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Climate Quick Reference Guides Now on

“Even when data is at your fingertips it can sometimes still be hard to find what you’re looking for – especially when it comes to climate information. USDA’s Climate Hubs and Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) are helping to meet that need by providing Climate Quick Reference Guides for agricultural producers and landowners seeking basic and easily usable climate information. The Climate Quick Reference Guides, which first published in July 2022 and were updated in August 2023,  are now available on They offer a simple way for users to view historic and projected weather and climate change information at the state and county levels. The easy-to-use guides show key data changes in climate most impactful to agricultural production in the local areas including max temperatures and precipitation amounts by season. Guides are available for almost every county nationwide following a two-year effort by the Climate Hubs and NRCS. “As federal investments in mitigating and adapting to the effects of climate change continue to be a priority, so too must our collective understanding of the current science and information,” said National Climate Hub Lead Lynn Knight. “Providing easy to digest and synthesized information for producers, federal employees, partners, teachers, agricultural professionals – really anyone with an interest in our climate – is a goal of the USDA Climate Hubs.”

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