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Monthly Archives: July 2023

Report: U.S. is 32nd Worldwide on Broadband Affordability

Broadband Genie via telecompetitor: “The United States ranks thirty-second in the world on internet affordability, according to new research from Broadband Genie, a provider of data about broadband services. Broadband affordability is defined by the percentage of a country’s average salary that would need to be spent to cover the average cost of internet connectivity.… Continue Reading

FTC is investigating whether ChatGPT harms consumers

Washington Post [read free]: “The Federal Trade Commission has opened an expansive investigation into OpenAI, probing whether the maker of the popular ChatGPT bot has run afoul of consumer protection laws by putting personal reputations and data at risk.The agency this week sent the San Francisco company a 20-page demand for records about how it… Continue Reading

Reminder to me your Venmo transactions private, courtesy of Clarence Thomas

The Verge: “Lawyers appearing before the Supreme Court sent money to a Clarence Thomas aide via Venmo, according to the aide’s profile. Don’t be like him… The most recent example of poor Venmo security comes from Rajan Vasisht, a former aide to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. The Guardian tracked down Vasisht’s Venmo account and… Continue Reading

Build, Access, Analyze: Introducing ARCH

Internet Archive Blogs: “We are excited to announce the public availability of ARCH (Archives Research Compute Hub), a new research and education service that helps users easily build, access, and analyze digital collections computationally at scale. ARCH represents a combination of the Internet Archive’s experience supporting computational research for more than a decade by providing… Continue Reading

A Categorical Archive of ChatGPT Failures

A Categorical Archive of ChatGPT Failures. Ali Borji. Quintic AI. April 5, 2023 “Large language models have been demonstrated to be valuable in different fields. ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, has been trained using massive amounts of data and simulates human conversation by comprehending context and generating appropriate responses. It has garnered significant attention due to… Continue Reading

TikTok: Technology Overview and Issues

CRS Report – TikTok: Technology Overview and Issues, Updated June 30, 2023: “TikTok is a globally popular video-sharing smartphone application (app) owned by ByteDance Ltd., a privately held company headquartered in Beijing, China. It is under increasing scrutiny by the U.S. government as a potential privacy and security risk to U.S. citizens. This is because… Continue Reading

Why is climate denial still thriving online?

DW: “Record global temperatures on July 3 kicked off the hottest week ever recorded as intense heat waves gripped the planet. Climate scientist Friederike Otto, of London’s Grantham Institute for Climate Change and the Environment, called the heat “a death sentence for people and ecosystems.” Yet, the next day, a political journalist in the United… Continue Reading

Google hit with lawsuit alleging it stole data from millions of users to train AI tools

CNN: “…The complaint alleges that Google “has been secretly stealing everything ever created and shared on the internet by hundreds of millions of Americans” and using this data to train its AI products, such as its chatbot Bard. The complaint also claims Google has taken “virtually the entirety of our digital footprint,” including “creative and… Continue Reading

Google Isn’t Grad School

The Atlantic [free link]: “Having so much information at our fingertips is useful but seductive, easily fooling us into thinking we know more than we do…The overconfidence of people laboring under the illusion of explanatory depth can lead to the spread of misinformation. As researchers have shown, when a person’s confidence is highest though their… Continue Reading