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Teaching Freedom of Expression Without Frontiers

“Developed by Columbia Global Freedom of Expression with partners from around the world, Freedom of Expression Without Frontiers offers academic and training resources on the laws, institutions and actors that have founded a global system of freedom of expression and information.

The website is organized around nine Teaching and Training Modules. It includes a general introduction to the core concept of a global perspective, and pedagogical resources designed by professors and trainers from different parts of the world and across different disciplines. Each of the Modules includes different subject areas, which may be taught separately.  Lecture materials can be sorted according to various categories, from core readings to toolkits, and including textbooks, standards, jurisprudence, and multimedia.  The portal allows users to select readings, whose list can be downloaded at the end of their web visit (under Collection).

The target audience are professors, trainers and other experts eager to offer courses and approaches that privilege trans-national and global understanding of freedom of expression, transcend a particular jurisdiction, national or cultural standpoint, and help students and others develop a more nuanced and critical understanding of freedom of expression….”

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