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Category Archives: Congress

Justice Department investigating data breach of federal court system

Politico: “House Judiciary Committee Chair Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) told fellow lawmakers that “three hostile foreign actors” attacked the U.S. Courts’ document filing system as part of a breach in early 2020 causing a “system security failure.” The comments — at a committee hearing on oversight of the Justice Department’s National Security Division — were the… Continue Reading

New LibGuide tracks response to the Roe v. Wade Dobbs v. Jackson decision

“I’ve created a new LibGuide to compile federal statements/actions to track the response to the Roe v. Wade/Dobbs v. Jackson decision. I’m being a bit more selective with this guide than some earlier guides, but please feel free to suggest resources I may have omitted or missed.” [Kelly L. Smith, Government Information Librarian, Librarian for… Continue Reading

Committee Reveals Major Gun Companies Collected More than $1 Billion in Revenue from Military-Style Assault Weapons

New Documents Also Reveal Gun Companies’ Dangerous Marketing Tactics to Sell AR-15s and Failure to Monitor Use of Their Guns to Kill Americans Washington, D.C. (July 27, 2022)— “Today, Rep. Carolyn B. Maloney, Chairwoman of the Committee on Oversight and Reform, released new findings from the Committee’s investigation into five major gun manufacturers’ sales and… Continue Reading

U.S. Forest Carbon Data: In Brief

CRS Report – U.S. Forest Carbon Data: In Brief Updated July 26, 2022: “Introduction: The flux—or flow—of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere is the dominant contributor to the observed warming trend in global temperatures. Trees, however, store (sequester) CO2 from the atmosphere, accruing significant stores of carbon over time. Trees… Continue Reading

DOJ investigating Trump’s actions in Jan. 6 criminal probe

Washington Post: “The Justice Department is investigating President Donald Trump’s actions as part of its criminal probe of efforts to overturn the 2020 election results, according to four people familiar with the matter. Prosecutors who are questioning witnesses before a grand jury — including two top aides to Vice President Mike Pence — have asked… Continue Reading July 2022 New, Tip, and Top – Part II

In Custodia Legis – July 25, 2022 by Robert Brammer – “In early July, Andrew wrote about feedback driven improvements that have been added to, such as adding the ability to browse committee hearing transcripts. In this release, the team continues the work of improving the accessibility of Now, when you access… Continue Reading

The Counter-Revolutions Driving Politics & Policy

Backlash – Memehlman Castagnetti slide deck: “Politics and policy move in cycles. The pendulum swings from growing government to conservative retrenchment, less regulation to stronger oversight, Democratic leadership to Republican. Momentum is shifting again. There are four key backlashes to recent trends that businesses and investors must understand and navigate to succeed in 2023-24…” Continue Reading

Congress Might Pass an Actually Good Privacy Bill

Wired: “Usually, when Congress is working on major tech legislation, the inboxes of tech reporters get flooded with PR emails from politicians and nonprofits either denouncing or trumpeting the proposed statute. Not so with the American Data Privacy and Protection Act. A first draft of the bill seemed to pop up out of nowhere in… Continue Reading

Views of American Democracy and Society and Support for Political Violence

Views of American Democracy and Society and Support for Political Violence: First Report from a Nationwide Population-Representative Survey. Garen J Wintemute, Sonia Robinson, Andrew Crawford, Julia P Schleimer, Amy Barnhorst, Vicka Chaplin, Daniel Tancredi, Elizabeth A Tomsich, Veronica A Pear. [All authors are members of the UC Davis Violence Prevention Research Program and the California… Continue Reading

New American Voters Report 2022

This report was written by Tom K. Wong, Associate Professor of Political Science and founding Director of the U.S. Immigration Policy Center (USIPC) at the University of California, San Diego; Maya Lu; and Lilly Amirjavad:  “Across the country—especially prominent in the last presidential election—the newAmerican majority has begun to demonstrate its power in numbers. This… Continue Reading