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Monthly Archives: February 2022

Traffic lights controlled using artificial intelligence

“Roads are chronically congested and vehicles queue endlessly at junctions. Rush hour is especially bad for long traffic jams. At the Fraunhofer Institute for Optronics, System Technologies and Image Exploitation IOSB, researchers in the institute branch for industrial automation INA in Lemgo are using artificial intelligence for smart traffic light control as part of the… Continue Reading

Kaspersky: Many wearables and healthcare devices are open to attack due to vulnerable data transfer protocol

TechRepublic: “Kaspersky security researchers announced this week that a popular data transfer protocol used by healthcare devices is full of critical vulnerabilities. Researchers identified 33 weaknesses in 2021, which is an increase over problems found in 2020. Kaspersky reported that 90 vulnerabilities have been identified since 2014. That total includes critical vulnerabilities that are still… Continue Reading

This book has an awful title, but says a lot of great things

FCW: “I recently finished a new book called The Power of Flexing by University of Michigan Business School professor Susan Ashford. (For the record, this is my favorite business school in the country, filled with great professors dedicated to a humane view of organizations.)  I will confess I was turned off by the “flexing” title of the… Continue Reading

Federal Reserve Bank of Boston and MIT release technological research on a central bank digital currency

“The Federal Reserve Bank of Boston and the Digital Currency Initiative at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology today released the findings of their initial technological research into a central bank digital currency, or CBDC. The published research describes a theoretical high-performance and resilient transaction processor for a CBDC by developing open-source research software, OpenCBDC. This collaborative… Continue Reading

Schoolkids Are Falling Victim to Disinformation and Conspiracy Fantasies

Scientific American: “Although children are prime targets, educators cannot figure out how best to teach them to separate fact from fiction. When Amanda Gardner, an educator with two decades of experience, helped to start a new charter elementary and middle school outside of Seattle last year, she did not anticipate teaching students who denied that… Continue Reading

New FCC Broadband ‘Nutrition Label’ Will More Clearly Inform You You’re Being Ripped Off

TechDirt: “For years we’ve noted how broadband providers impose all manner of bullshit fees on your bill to drive up the cost of service post sale. They’ve also historically had a hard time being transparent about what kind of broadband connection you’re buying. As was evident back when Comcast thought it would be a good… Continue Reading

Library Releases Growing Coronavirus Web Archive Collection

Collection Includes 450 Web Archives Documenting COVID-19 Pandemic – “After collecting a wide variety of web content documenting the COVID-19 pandemic over the past two years, the Library of Congress is now making its growing Coronavirus Web Archive available to the public. The collection, which now includes 450 web archives, aims to balance government, science,… Continue Reading

Book bans: How Amazon, Google, and Apple can fight back with a Freedom Archive

ZDNet: “Hardly a day goes by when we don’t hear from a school or library somewhere in the United States that they’ve removed a book from circulation following complaints from parents or constituents. Last week, in a school district in Tennessee, it was the removal of MAUS, the Pulitzer Prize-winning graphic novel by Art Spiegelman, that… Continue Reading