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Monthly Archives: June 2021

The All-Seeing Eyes of New York’s 15,000 Surveillance Cameras

Wired – “Video from the cameras is often used in facial-recognition searches. A report finds they are most common in neighborhoods with large nonwhite populations. A new video from human rights organization Amnesty International maps the locations of more than 15,000 cameras used by the New York Police Department, both for routine surveillance and in… Continue Reading

The Limits of Law and AI

McCarl, Ryan, The Limits of Law and AI (March 16, 2021). University of Cincinnati Law Review, Vol. 90, No. 3, 2022, Available at SSRN: “For thirty years, scholars in the field of law and artificial intelligence (AI) have explored the extent to which tasks performed by lawyers and judges can be assisted by computers.… Continue Reading

The Elephant in the Virtual Law Classroom: Different Perspectives but a Common Loss

Perez, Tiffany, The Elephant in the Virtual Law Classroom: Different Perspectives but a Common Loss (May 1, 2021). Compliance Elliance Journal 2021 , Available at SSRN: or “Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, law schools had to pivot to virtual legal education quickly. In the wake of the pandemic, scholars have eagerly written about… Continue Reading

Patent Law: An Open-Source Casebook (Entire Book)

Janis, Mark David and Sichelman, Ted M. and Allison, John R. and Cotter, Thomas F. and Cotropia, Christopher Anthony and Karshtedt, Dmitry and Lefstin, Jeffrey A. and Rantanen, Jason and Taylor, David O. and Tu, Shine (Sean), Patent Law: An Open-Source Casebook (Entire Book) (May 6, 2021). UC Hastings Research Paper, Forthcoming, Available at SSRN:… Continue Reading

The World’s Northernmost Town Is Changing Dramatically

Scientific American – Climate change is bringing tourism and tension to Longyearbyen on the Norwegian archipelago of Svalbard. “…The consequences are extensive. The thawing permafrost, which can heave or slump, has ruptured roads and exposed the macabre contents of old graves. Extremely windy, heavy snowstorms—once rare—have triggered deadly avalanches on the mountain slopes looming above… Continue Reading

Robert Mueller Will Share Lessons From Special Counsel Investigation During UVA Law Course

University of Virginia School of Law: “Robert S. Mueller III ’73 will participate in a University of Virginia School of Law course taking students inside the investigation that dominated headlines during the Trump administration. Taught by Aaron Zebley ’96 and two other former senior members of Mueller’s team, the course will offer an inside look at… Continue Reading

NYC’s Subway Operator and Martha’s Vineyard Ferry Latest to Report Cyberattacks

WSJ (paywall / no paywall): “Revelations of cyberattacks on transportation systems in New York and Massachusetts heightened concerns about the threat to U.S. businesses and essential services Wednesday, after hackers held hostage the world’s largest meat processor this week. An attack on JBS SA, the world’s biggest meat company by sales, upended U.S. meat supplies… Continue Reading

Opinion: A frantic warning from 100 leading experts

Washington Post Opinion by Greg Sargent – Our democracy is in grave danger: “…Our entire democracy is now at risk,” the scholars write in the statement, which I obtained before its release. “History will judge what we do at this moment.” And these scholars underscore the crucial point: Our democracy’s long-term viability might depend on whether… Continue Reading

From Facts to Fake News: How Information Gets Distorted

Knowledge@Wharton: “Remember the old childhood game of telephone? One kid whispers a phrase in another kid’s ear, and it gets passed along until the final child in the chain repeats it out loud. Inevitably, the words change along the way, subject to the cognitive interpretation of the listener. Retelling stories may be harmless amusement on… Continue Reading

Americans and ‘Cancel Culture’: Where Some See Calls for Accountability, Others See Censorship, Punishment

“People have challenged each other’s views for much of human history. But the internet – particularly social media – has changed how, when and where these kinds of interactions occur. The number of people who can go online and call out others for their behavior or words is immense, and it’s never been easier to… Continue Reading

Competitive Intelligence – A Selective Resource Guide – Updated May 2021

Via LLRX – Competitive Intelligence – A Selective Resource Guide – Updated May 2021 – This guide on competitive intelligence resources on the web was first published in 2005, and Sabrina I. Pacifici has continued to edit, revise and update it over the course of 16 years. Her objective is to provide researchers with a… Continue Reading

Do you trust Amazon to share your internet connection with others? How to opt out

ZDNET: “Amazon is getting ready to switch on a new service called Amazon Sidewalk, and if you own an Echo device, or a Ring Floodlight and Spotlight Cam, then the chances are that you are going to start donating part of your internet connection to making this work. Amazon now has an entire army of… Continue Reading